Thursday, 6 June 2013


Par·a·dox: one (as a person, situation, or action) having seemingly contradictory qualities or phases

I am fascinated by the questions of who we are and why we are here and the inherent paradoxes that come up when I think about the human condition... I love the equal and dichotomous Truths that inevitably arise (for me anyway!) when contemplating the biggest picture.

One of the biggest paradoxes I have become aware of in my own thinking about humanity is the paradox between my strong drive to compassion for individuals and a belief in the importance of all humans having equal rights and opportunities AND a strong awareness of the over-population of the planet and the need for not all individuals to survive and reproduce in order for humanity to not destroy our only ecosystem... Paradox.

Today I began an accountability process where I set goals for each day, for each week and have my mentor assist me in holding myself to a higher standard. I love the idea of growing myself, of discovering new facets, of being pushed to new experiences, AND, at the same time, there is something deeply uncomfortable about the implied need for change. Part of me is perfectly happy the way I am... Paradox.

I think the truth is that there is no Truth... There is no one way of anything. Sure, there are simple facts, but our existence, the complex and intertwined massive picture that is our existence cannot be boiled down to 'facts' and can certainly not be described as simple...

We are both perfect as we are AND inspired to grow and learn. Both the collective AND the individual are paramount. Our experience on Earth is one of both physicality AND spirituality... Paradoxes all!

The best paradox of all is that it takes all the individuals who only believe in one side of each of these things to create the overall balance... :)

1 comment:

  1. Great post - love it, love your thinking and expression
