Sunday, 11 August 2013

The Purpose of Men

A man recently told me that he fervently believes that the purpose of men now is to be in service to the divine Feminine. I have another (male) friend who has said something similar and this has been sitting uncomfortably with me for a while.

Is the sun in service to the earth? No. The sun simply Is what it Is. It does its Sunny thing. That this helps to nourish and sustain the earth is not actually the sun’s purpose. 

As analogies go, there is a lot missing from this one (like how the feminine, in turn, benefits the masculine), but I think the idea stands (not in a ‘women revolve around men’ kind of way though!!!!).

Yes, there is a lot of (recent) history to make up for and the Feminine has long been neglected or dismissed, however, reversing the disempowerment will not help. Men are not here to be of service to the divine Feminine. Men are here to be the divine Masculine. Full stop. No one is here to be in service to anyone.*

A man who is strong in his Masculine serves the other people in his life by being so, but that is not his purpose. He is simply being who he is. The fact that a woman can flourish in the presence of his strength and power does not make this his reason for existing.

Our reason for being here is because we are here. Our existence is its own reason. Life is its own reason. We are here to be exactly Who We Are. 

(How we then take this into partnership is about 100 other blogs, but for now, I am simplifying just this aspect.) 
*Our souls yearn to service, but I do not think this is necessarily linked to our masculine or feminine aspect.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Lack-lustrous thoughts

I was taught the power of language by a master of positivity and have been friends with several other masters of this skill since, however, I am still going to state, for the record, my appreciation for the lack of the following things...

  1. Mosquitoes. They are rarely lacking in Bali at night, except under my net...
  2. The noise of a generator. It has been my daytime accompaniment for a week now. Not today. (Note- this also applies to chainsaws and all-night dance music)
  3. Sunburn. After day 3 when the bedsheets stop feeling like sandpaper and you can roll over again.
  4. Headache, stomach cramps, back pain- whichever. Tis awesome when they stop. 
  5. Drama. I don't do it. I love to tell a dramatic story, I just don't want to create one!

Oh, don't get me wrong... I appreciate silence and health and all of those positive things too, but sometimes, you just have to love NOT having something!

Saturday, 3 August 2013

A deeper Secret

We all know the 'Secret'- you can manifest what you want by picturing it, thinking it, colouring it in in your mind... Kind of the non-religious version of prayer.

Well, I think I found another secret...

I was doing my regular manifesting meditation this morning- usually I am focussed on more general things like love and gratitude than the material, but after a conversation with a friend and energy master last night, today I was asking the Universe to bring me a romance... (yep, please ignore that detail folks!)

Suddenly, the knowledge hit me- my prayer (yes, same thing, different word- it's OK!) should not be to attract what I want. My prayer, my heart and soul should be asking for the help to making myself ready for what I want. I could access all that guidance, all that inspiration, all that energy for MYSELF!

Selfish, I hear you gasp!! Hang on... How can me becoming a better person be selfish? Is what not what the Universe, all my loved ones and my soul would want from me, for me? Does not me becoming a better person help the world? Would it not be a favour to the person that the Universe has already manifested out there for me? (nope, they are not going to be created out of thin air- I am hoping the Universe foresaw my need about 40 years ago!!!)

Now, I have heard this before. Become the person who would be/have/do/meet/etc the thing you want. What I had not connected was making that my deepest desire- the thing I could get guidance on, be inspired in, have answered... I do not have to ask the Universe for help to find my partner, BUT, I can ask the Universe for help in finding myself.