We all know the 'Secret'- you can manifest what you want by picturing it, thinking it, colouring it in in your mind... Kind of the non-religious version of prayer.
Well, I think I found another secret...

I was doing my regular manifesting meditation this morning- usually I am focussed on more general things like love and gratitude than the material, but after a conversation with a friend and energy master last night, today I was asking the Universe to bring me a romance... (yep, please ignore that detail folks!)
Suddenly, the knowledge hit me- my prayer (yes, same thing, different word- it's OK!) should not be to attract what I want. My prayer, my heart and soul should be asking for the help to making myself ready for what I want. I could access all that guidance, all that inspiration, all that energy for MYSELF!
Selfish, I hear you gasp!! Hang on... How can me becoming a better person be selfish? Is what not what the Universe, all my loved ones and my soul would want from me, for me? Does not me becoming a better person help the world? Would it not be a favour to the person that the Universe has already manifested out there for me? (nope, they are not going to be created out of thin air- I am hoping the Universe foresaw my need about 40 years ago!!!)
Now, I have heard this before. Become the person who would be/have/do/meet/etc the thing you want. What I had not connected was making that my deepest desire- the thing I could get guidance on, be inspired in, have answered... I do not have to ask the Universe for help to find my partner, BUT, I can ask the Universe for help in finding myself.
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