Thursday, 9 January 2014

The love less travelled

I believe love is the ultimate expression of our lives, so I asked the Universe why it was wasting my love by not bringing me a partner. The Universe replied:

I already have many people living love that way. I ask you to walk the road less travelled- to live love, to be love without the usual anchors and mirrors.

I guess I always said I liked a challenge. And it is.

True love (though I am not sure there is any other kind) is generated from within- perhaps inspired and fuelled by those around us, but it come from us, not to us. In theory, I can live a life full of love on my own. In practice, I will tell you it is not easy.

I am not just talking about being happy on my own, or finding contentment in life. This is not just enjoying things, but being in love with moments. I am talking about feeling love, real love in an everyday way, without a partner or family to trigger and reflect it.

To actually feel love, not just remember it, on my own is often a challenge. Some days I succeed, some days I have to remind my self to try harder, some days I just want to tell the Universe to shove the road!

But I keep trying. Because I believe in love. I believe it is the ultimate expression of why we are here. And I believe there are many versions. All true. I also believe my higher purpose was never going to be the common road. So, someone has to trek the road where love is explored through other ways. Not with a partner or children, but through beauty, adventure, moments, self.

At the end of the day, we all get to choose our inner world. So, I choose love. Over and over again. In small moments that most people probably don’t need to see as being loveable. Tonight, I was in love with the sunset...

A longer version of this blog is now on Elephant Journal-



  2. These words are beautifully written, with such clarity and emotion, and describe exactly how I feel so often. May love be with you everyday.

  3. So very well said.
    Love doesn't need to be as complicated as we frequently like to make it.
    It can simply just be who we *are*...
    and when we take a moment to close our eyes, escape from the chaos of the world outside and simply say to ourselves three simple words "I am Love" - it's incredible what we are able to see when we open our eyes again...
